Saturday, March 20, 2010
Argh......I hate the mornings in the weekends. Mostly because that's when my parents start to nag and nag endlessly ( and effortlessly for them? ) to wake up. That aside, My mum as usual gives me the usual torment of...nagging? I haven't been blogging for long so I guess it's pretty time for me to at least update some...? That's if I can remember..0_0Recently, I lost my specs. I know. This isn't the first time somehting happen to my specs. Argh! It totally pains me to empty my bear to get the cash...I even had to borrow some from a friend to get a new one. I know, I am a pathetic, low-life creature. And it pains me again everytime I think of the two weeks of not eating ( I don't mind ) to save up the cash to return but that it will take another three weeks to 'feed' my bear...T_T. To my 'bear', I promise to you not to empty you unnecesssary but to continue to 'feed' you up!! And I keep on bleeding...New Aim: Think Before Talk Continue idolize HTLabels: Thanks to all friends for making me feel like familyT_T
Dravelle blogged at 2:03 PM